Fund$ 4 Books - Payment of Lost/Damaged Books

Riddle Elementary Library
Lost, Damaged, or Donated Books

For your convenience, we are now using Mackin Funds to pay for lost, damaged,
or donated library books.  
To Pay for Lost, Damaged, or Donated Books:
1. Obtain the replacement cost of the book from your campus librarian.
2 Go here to access Mackin Funds.
3. Click on Donate Now.
4. Please select the amount to be paid or click “other” to enter an amount not given.
5. In the “donated by/message” field, type “lost book” or “damaged book”.
6. Enter the student’s name in the field “on behalf of”.
7. Enter payment information.  Once again, credit cards are accepted.
8. Your librarian will receive notice of payment and credit your child’s account.
9. If the library book is found after payment is made,
the child can keep the book or donate it back to the library.

Should you have any questions, feel free to email Mrs. Kinsella

Stephanie Kinsella,
Riddle Elementary Librarian

Scan the QR Code above with your mobile device to go
directly to Riddle Library Funds4Books site.